Skin Treatments

ISAPS Global Survey Shows Rise in Plastic Surgery Trends

A recent study by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) shows an increase in plastic surgery trends around the world. As an industry professional, any news about the increased popularity of the services you offer is good news. However, it is important to take a deeper look at these trends to see what particular procedures are growing in popularity and how to use this information in a productive way.

About The Survey

For this survey, the ISAPS reviewed surgical statistics from 104 countries. Results tracked not only popular procedures but also countries where said procedures were the most often performed.

The Results By Country

Overall the industry is very healthy with 20 billion in earnings and an estimated growth to 27 billion by 2019. Surgery figures also point to rapid growth with a 9 percent overall growth in cosmetic procedures in 2016 (surgical procedures increased by 8 percent and non-surgical cosmetic procedures increased by 10 percent).

  • The United States overall had the most cosmetic procedures performed with 4.2 million on a per capita basis this calculated to 13 people per 1,000 residents.
  • Brazil and Columbia are also worthy of note (with 12 surgeries per 1,000) as both countries have large populations. Brazil especially has seen growth in its cosmetic surgery industry despite individual income remaining low overall.
  • South Korea had a high per person rate with 20 surgeries per 1,000 residents. Note that this figure was taken from past results as not enough South Korean doctors contributed data to current ISAPS surveys for an accurate result.
  • Other countries of note included Belgian and Taiwan tied at 17 per 1,000 citizens and Lebanon and Italy with 16 surgeries per 1,000 citizens.

For the near future the United States, Brazil, and South Korea will remain popular locations for cosmetic procedures and those that seek them out.

Popular Procedures

Naturally, by understanding what procedures are the most popular you can focus your business on these procedures to not only assure a healthy customer base but also be adequately prepared for these procedures in terms of devices and preparation.The fastest growing cosmetic procedures included the following:

  • Labiaplasty (labia minora reduction surgery): from 2014 to 2015 this procedure grew by an impressive 45 percent. The procedure was chiefly performed in Brazil (23,155 procedures) and the United States (13,266 procedures).
  • Lower Body Lift: specifically removing loose skin and or fat from the waist this procedure grew at a rate of 29 percent from 2015 to 2016 and was chiefly performed in Brazil (9,570 procedures), the United States (7,920 procedures), and India (5,230 procedures).
  • Upper Body Lift: in this case referred to procedures chiefly involving the upper arms, back, breasts, and so on. Growing in popularity by 22 percent from 2015 to 2016 it was a popular procedure in the United States (3,828 procedures) and Brazil (3,685 procedures).
  • Breast Augmentation (Fat Transfer): breast augmentations remain popular this method is a popular alternative to traditional implants. This type of augmentation grew 22 percent from 2015 to 2016 and is popular in the United States (20,790 procedures), Brazil (10,835 procedures), and Russia (8,610 procedures).
  • Plastic Surgery for Men: has grown for the last several years and trends point to this continuing. While women certainly account for the majority of procedures at a worldwide rate of 86.2 percent men account for 13.8 percent worldwide. As a growing market segment, popular surgeries for men (hair transplants, eyelid surgery, gynecomastia, and liposuction) should be focused on.

Get Started With Aesthetic Solutions

Whether it’s your starting a new med spa, evaluating new devices, or seeking out elite level aesthetic laser training, we are here for you. If you have any questions and would like to schedule a consultation with our team, please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Get Started With Aesthetic Solutions

Whether it’s your starting a new med spa, evaluating new devices, or seeking out elite level aesthetic laser training, we are here for you. If you have any questions and would like to schedule a consultation with our team, please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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