Kit Includes
- A mild, gel-based, foamy cleanser containing light alpha and beta hydroxy’s for gentle exfoliation.
- A medium strength 30% glycolic acid.
- A product to neutralize glycolic or lactic acids after treatment.
- A solution for creating more photo-available pigment and capallaries prior to treating with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).
- Delivery agent for vitamin serums and intensifies facial treatment.
- A great product for temporary relief of itching, discomfort, inflammation and rashes.
- Oil-free, physical barrier protection cream that uses no chemical sunscreen ingredients in the formula and can be used after any strong skin treatment with no worry of burning or irritation.
Investing in the Collagen Boost Photofacial Kit results in additional revenue stream and expanding client base. Each treatment takes approximately 20 minutes plus the time of operating the IPL. This small investment can contribute significant income to your bottom line while giving your client immediate results for tighter, glowing, more beautiful skin.